It was such a pleasure to be invited to deliver a family photography shoot in Bromley as a gift for a sister. Her sister had always wanted professional images taken of all her boys together to display in her family home and it was a real privilege to be the one to capture this for her.

These boys were fantastic throughout their shoot. I often find that when shoots are in the comfort of your own home, children are more settled and are eager to show me their world rather than being daunted by the formalities of entering a photography studio. There is also more freedom with home photography shoots as once we have captured the images of your children they are free to play while we focus on other shots, such as couples photography or new born photography. It is also useful for small snack breaks, or little bribe breaks for certain shots ;) I had a wonderful time meeting this lovely family, it was such a pleasure to spend time with them all.
For more information about my family photography packages click here.
If you are interested in purchasing a photography voucher get in touch here.
“Siblings: the only enemy you can’t live without”